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F2F Broadcasting Corp.

Lead Animator / Lead Testing Coordinator / Co-SCRUM Master

Team: Wet Toast Saga

A collaboration between F2F and Wet Toast Saga to design and develop features that will increase the viral growth potential of F2F: an online video streaming platform capable of unlimited viewers at extremely low latency.

Major accomplishments:

  • Conceptualized and animated all content delivered to the client - including 2D advertising, loading screens, interactive elements, commercials, team profile and more.

  • Prepared all user testing schedules and protocols, and also personally conducted all user tests on F2F's platform, giving the client invaluable feedback (see client testimonial on my website)

  • Co-managed asset delivery and project progress using the SCRUM framework

  • Performed all video editing work required from prototypes up to final product


My role in this project was initially preparing and conducting user tests for the team's various prototypes, as part of the Design Sprint methodology. Ultimately, I also served as the sole content creator for animations designed to improve the experience of users using the redesigned F2F website.

The first two videos in the gallery on the right are an animation concept I designed to be displayed on the screen after an online meeting was over. They are intended to direct users' attention to the sign-up section on the left of the animation by showing the additional features they would have access to. 

The next video is a number of animated GIFs I created to represent our team in on our online activities and when presenting to our client.


The video in red is a concept for a loading screen I created for when users would enter the a meeting room - it was ultimately not used as loading periods between entering and exiting a meeting room were eliminated.

The next video is a concept animation that would play when the user would grant access to their webcam, while the one after that is a test animation recorded after rigging the character up in Adobe Character Animator for the first time.

The last two videos are the final prototype of our website design for F2F and a testimonial provided by our client, Dan Briggs - COO of F2F Broadcasting Corp.


Visit our development blog for a week-by-week breakdown of our development escapades:

F2F Video Gallery

F2F Video Gallery

F2F Video Gallery
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Animation for Signing Up to F2F

Animation for Signing Up to F2F

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F2F Paid Feature Animation

F2F Paid Feature Animation

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Team GIFs

Team GIFs

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LP5: About


685 Great Northern Way,
Vancouver, B.C.

(778) 751-6461

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